Here’s a Sunday night recipe: warm stuffing inside peppery goodness…and it’s good for you, too! If you want to swap the breadcrumbs out of this recipe out for cooked couscous or cooked quinoa, feel free. You can always tailor recipes to your own unique tastes and needs…or to what you have in the cabinet!
Peppers are in season in summer and fall, and while we definitely advocate eating fresh, in-season veggies, we couldn’t wait six months to post this recipe…!
- 4 peppers of you choice, cut lengthwise, seeded and cored
- 2 tablespoons salt-cured capers, rinsed and finely chopped
- 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 1/2 cup bread crumbs
- 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
- 3 tablespoons golden raisins
- 3 tablespoons pine nuts
- 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
- Salt and pepper to taste
Serves four.
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Place the peppers skin-side down in a large roasting pan and bake for five minutes.
While the peppers are roasting, mix the capers, garlic, bread crumbs, parsley, golden raisins, pine nuts and oil in a medium bowl. Season with salt and pepper, and any other spice you enjoy. Just not sugar, you will have enough of that from the sweetness of the raisins.
Take the peppers out of the oven. Spoon the mixture into the cavities of the partly cooked bell peppers. Bake until the filling is browned and the bell peppers are softened, between 10-15 minutes. Serve warm! This pairs well with a nice hot veggie broth based soup and a pinot noir. The raisins are totally swappable with cranberries, too, if you prefer!