- Me Plus You screen printed organic cotton flour sack towel by Earth Cadets, $16
- Beeswax Aromatherapy Beehive Glass in Enlightenment by Big Dipper Wax Works, $14.50
- Scotch Naturals Holiday Black Tie Collection, $60
- Lulu Organics Hair Powder in Lavender & Clary Sage, $30
- bkr Bottle in Crush, $28
I’m just going to come out and say it: I dropped the ball on Thanksgiving this year. I have bookmarked zero recipes and I have no idea what I’m going to contribute to our family feast this Thursday. So, in the spirit of being prepared for at least some of the impending winter holidays, I’m refusing to acknowledge this Thursday’s festivities and instead sharing a few of my picks for holiday gifts – or birthday gifts, for those of you who have Sagittarius friends (I’ve got three in the immediate family). Speaking of, today is KATHRYNE’S birthday! Happy, happy birthday, big sis. One of your gifts is included in the collage above. Betcha can’t guess which one…!
And now, for some rationale: